Monday, November 23, 2009

Funny Cartoon

Hi again.

Just googling over the internet and I came across this funny cartoon.

Funny lol =)

credit :

Friday, November 20, 2009


Hi again.

Here some update on current event about jellyfish . Enjoys ;)


"This is the first documentation of a coral feeding on a jellyfish "

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Hi again.

In this post I want to share with you some interesting facts about jellyfish.

Some people might wonder what is the good thing of this stinging monster. It sting people and there's some cases people are dead because of the stings.

All of these are true but we must bear in mind that only the 'box jellyfish' that fatal to us.

Now let us see what's the good and bad of this jellys.


1) Excellent marker gene by scientists. This gene can be switched on and the researcher is able to immediately see it working. Scientists in Australia have found this gene to be an invaluable tool in their research to find the most desirable gene that can be inserted in sugarcane plants so that it yields the healthiest sugar for consumers. The researchers feel that this gene will help them identify the best way, they can transfer a new gene into a particular plant, and also determine the best switches to turn it on and observe whether its working properly or not.

2) This jellyfish has proved helpful in understanding the working of immune system as well. Scientists have genetically manipulated immune system cells to produce the fluorescent jellyfish protein. This helps them to follow their movements in response to an infection. The Aequoria victoria species of jellyfish, found in north Pacific, emits a bioluminescent glow to startle predators. This glow it produces by green fluorescent protein (GFP). Molecular biologists have taken advantage of this protein, by splicing its gene, into different genes of a number of proteins, so as to produce luminous proteins that can be easily observed in living cells.

3) As a FOOD. Ya, its true ! It turns out that jellyfish have been eaten for a long time in Asia – and that they can be purchased from Thai and Chinese specialty markets around the world, including the US and Canada. The 2% of a jellyfish that isn’t water is all protein – but that surely is small return.


1) Fatal Stings. That for sure . Jellyfish is well-known because of this . The truth is , the stings is for their protection. The scenario is the same for all living things. It is in ou blood. As example, the lion has claws, big muscle body, loud roar - they use it to protect them self from other competitors, so do as a snake. They also have poison sting as their protection .

2) Jellyfish swarm. The huge schools of jellyfish that have increasingly accumulated each year around the world’s coastlines over the past few decades. Where overfishing occurs, especially in combination with areas where rivers dump excessive nutrients into coastal waters, ultimately depleting oxygen levels, jellyfish thrive. They don’t need much oxygen, and they can become the top predators in the ecosystem.

3) Increasing in jellyfish amount create problems for powerplant industries. The nomurai as example has cause the blockage to the turbin of the Japanese powerplant. This consume a lot of loss and problems to the industries world wide.


Hi again.

Just for your updates on current event/news about this beautiful creature.
I will provide the links to the website and you can read from there.
Please enjoy ;)

Scientists have grown jellyfish in a laboratory to study the feeding habits of marine life


JELLYFISH : Anatomy - Life Cycle

Hi again.

To understand more about jellyfish we need to know their basic structure and also their life cycle. This diagram will help you to get a better picture and understanding of this beautiful creature.



The Ocean's Beauty

Hi again,

Many people knows the jellyfish from their negative side,well , I mean their fatal stings. It's true that the stings can be fatal but not all of them are deathful.

Jellyfish has a lot of species, varies according to their appearence, body length, and also the effect of their stings.

Yet the scientist still can't properly classify all of these jellys because sometime it is so hard to do it because of their color morphs and lack of identification keys.

Giant Nomurai jellyfish , box jellyfish, Portugese Man of War Jellyfish - this are several of famous jellyfish that swarm in our ocean now days.

There's still a lot of them like cyanea, phylorhyza, cannon ball, mastigias are alien to the public. May be because they are less harmfull and also less trouble than the giant nomurai - I guess ?

For better understanding its good for us to know basic anatomy of the jellyfish and also their life cycle.I will describe it in my next post.

Thanks for viewing =)

Thursday, November 12, 2009



Just want to give you all a warm welcome to the site of World Of Jellyfish.
In this site, I will provide you the information and what you need to know about jellyfish.

I hope that you all enjoying the site and also hopefully this site will benefits you regarding the understanding of jellyfish.

Thanks n enjoy ;)